
UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee meeting concludes in Delhi

A special meeting of the UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee has concluded in Delhi.

The two-day meeting on Countering the use of new and emerging technologies for terrorist purposes concluded with the adoption of The Delhi Declaration. The non-binding document commits member states to prevent and combat digital forms of terror, such as the use of drones, social media and online terrorist financing.

David Scharia from the Counter-Terrorism Executive Committee said: "The Delhi declaration lays out the foundation for the way ahead.”

“It speaks about the importance of human rights, public-private partnership, civil society engagement, and how we are going to work together on this challenge. It also invites the CTED [the Secretariat for the Committee] to develop a set of guiding principles, which will result from intensive thinking with all the partners.”

Speaking at the event in a video message, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said that human rights could only be achieved through effective multilateralism and international cooperation.

Through the Delhi Declaration, Member States agreed that guidelines and implemented actions should be based on international law and human rights.

Committee members agreed to draft recommendations to counter the terrorist exploitation of Information and Communications Technology. A new set of non-binding guiding principles will be issued to help Member States in countering the digital terrorism threat.


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