
Cyber security training in maritime needs improvement

A new survey has found that cyber security training in maritime needs improvement, with only 22 per cent of respondents to an industry survey stating that the training they have received was high quality.

The 2020 Safety at Sea and BIMCO Maritime Cyber Security survey found that 63 per cent of respondents received cyber security training, with nine per cent of those stating that the training was low quality. The results are consistent with the 2019 cyber security survey, in which 64 per cent stated having received cyber security training and eight per cent finding the training as poor.

This year, some respondents noted training was ‘basic’, ‘rudimentary’ or was just one short course.  Furthermore, while the majority of cyber training was provided by an employer (71 per cent) or an external organisation (43 per cent), 17 per cent said they had to organise or fund it themselves.


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