Counter Terror Business 52

Policing major events
Since our last issue a few months ago, the UK has seen two new prime ministers and two new home secretaries, as well as one new security minister. With another new government now in place, it is hoped Protect Duty can progress.
Last month saw the biggest policing operation the UK has ever had, with the death, mourning period and funeral of Her Majesty the Queen. Operation London Bridge saw the largest ever single deployment of armed officers across the UK and the largest ever deployment of HVM assets. The successful operation meant the period passed without serious incident.
Next month marks the start of the FIFA World Cup in Qatar. This one-of-a-kind event poses potential challenges for security forces and local authorities with the stadiums so close together in a country that has not hosted this kind of event before.
This issue includes an article by 19-year-old Alicia Taylor on the incredibly important Bee The Difference campaign, which advocates for improved support for young survivors of terrorism. There are also features on HVM, emergency planning and cybersecurity, as well of a review of the successful International Security Expo.
Polly Jones, editor
digital issue