Strategic Command launches Defence Experimentation and Wargaming Hub
Strategic Command’s Deputy Commander, Lieutenant General Tom Copinger-Symes, has formally opened the Defence Experimentation and Wargaming Hub at Southwick Park.
The facility will be the centre for experimentation and wargaming in Defence and has been developed in partnership with the Defence Science Technology Laboratory (Dstl).
The hub is designed to help Defence respond to the evolving global threats.
The opening ceremony was attended by the Director Joint Warfare, Rear Admiral Andrew Betton, and guests from across Defence, academia, and industry.
In his opening address, Lieutenant General Tom Copinger-Symes said: "The hub will be the epicentre for strategic brilliance and tactical innovation, and will enable evidence-based decisions to be made at an increased pace."
Lieutenant Colonel Tom Ellen, Chief of Staff Defence Experimentation and Wargaming Hub said: "The launch marks not the culmination, but the commencement of a journey towards shaping the future of Defence and engendering a culture of experimentation, wargaming and development across Defence."
The Defence Experimentation and Wargaming Hub is based at Southwick Park in Hampshire. The hub aims to expand its offering to include at-readiness rapid wargaming service; +500m² reconfigurable wargaming facility; a repository of wargaming data, tools and scenarios; and wargaming advice, and design from an experienced team of professionals.
Image by Joachim Schnürle from Pixabay
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