
Daesh deemed 'rising threat' at UN Security Council meeting

Jess Jambert-Gray, deputy political coordinator, said the UK remains "deeply concerned about the rising threat of Daesh" at the UN Security Council meeting.

At the gathering in New York, she said its "branches present an acute threat to at-risk communities, whilst its propaganda seeks to exploit global events to inspire terrorist violence across the world."

Daesh is the Arabic acronym for ISIS, an Islamic extremist group.

Jambert-Gray said that there is an increasing threat from Daesh’s continued focus on Africa, including attacks from Daesh affiliates ISWAP and ISSP in West Africa and the Sahel threatens regional stability. 

She added: "The Malabo declaration for a whole-of-government and a whole-of-society approach to tackling terrorism was a positive step forward and we stand ready to support the development of national action plans. 

"It is vital these collective approaches work to address the underlying drivers of terrorism including reducing corruption, improving governance, and ensuring respect for the rule of law."

In addition, she said the the threat from ISKP is increasing, with the "abhorrent" attacks by the group on civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Russia and Turkey in recent months. 

"This emphasises," she said, "our need to tackle ISKP at a strategic level."

As part of this effort, the UK launched the ISKP Diplomatic Grouping in May last year to focus on increasing threats with regional partners. 

The Grouping most recently convened in Doha last month to share expertise and drive action on countering ISKP finance, travel, and propaganda.

She concluded: "As we mark ten years since Daesh perpetrated genocide against the Yazidi people, we cannot lose focus in the fight against Daesh as it spreads to new theatres."


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