
Over 250 people flagged over extremist concerns in Wales

Home Office figures show that more than 250 people in Wales were flagged up to police and councils over concerns about extremism.

Right-wing extremism accounts for 24 per cent of all referrals, while 15 per cent are related to Islamist extremism. In total, just under half of those flagged up were aged 20 or younger. Estyn, the education and training inspectorate for Wale, has stressed that radicalisation and extremism are ‘real risks’ to pupils in all schools.

The watchdog warned that some schools could miss early opportunities to address extremism because they do not think it is relevant.

The figures are highlighted in a report by Estyn says most schools do not do enough within their curriculum to build pupils' resilience against extremist influences. Schools are required to protect pupils from radicalisation and the Welsh Government said Wales' new curriculum will teach youngsters to ‘critically evaluate’ information they are exposed to.

It said that leaders do not perceive radicalisation and extremism as relevant to their school or surrounding area, although this is limited to a minority of schools. It also said: schools should record and report all incidents of racist language and racial bullying properly, and offer suitable support and challenge to victims and perpetrators; most schools have policies on staying safe online but only a minority mention the risks from radical and extremist materials; and school ‘lockdown' procedures are currently in development across Wales as part of a requirement to have an emergency plan.


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